Our Services
We know how hard it is to get the dedicated support you need for your mental health. Forming relationships with your therapist or coach are key to the success. That is why we have a range of services to meet your diverse needs.
Individual Therapy
Morag, Jenny and Gosia have experience working in the NHS/Council, Third Sector and privately as therapists. We work with a range of young people to adults using CBT, CFT, ACT, EMDR and person- centred approaches.
Individual therapy is often between 6-12, 50 minute sessions depending on complexities. Sessions can be in person, on-line or by telephone.
More information is available at our consultation call.
Group Therapy
Our psychoeducational groups focus on educating clients about their disorders and ways of coping. They are based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy. The group consists of members who all share the same issues, whether this is anxiety, depression or a more specific disorder. Run by Morag and Jenny our small groups help clients learn about potential triggers, how to develop healthy coping mechanisms, and how to avoid pitfalls in the future.
Keep an eye on our events for future sessions.
Wellbeing Coaching
As coaches, we aim to optimize your health and well-being through developing and sustaining positive mindsets. We work on enhancing self-motivation and coping strategies to navigate the journey of change, thus building psychological and physical resilience. Our coaching programmes are varied from executive coaching to team coaching, from individual stress management to conflict resolution. We can also support with menopause, life changing health conditions and sleep difficulties.
Wellbeing Awareness
Moonstir's range of experience makes us an excellent option to support orgnisations with wellbeing awareness sessions. Whether this be one-off sessions or a range of sessions delivered to meet your needs, we would be happy to support you. We can work online or in person, onsite or offsite. Sessions typically include mental health or neurodiversity awareness, optimising health, financial resilience. Please get in touch for a confidential discussion to develop a bespoke session or programme.
For more employer information see Moonstir Ltd